Saturday, September 25, 2010

As a matter of fact...

...some of us DO hunt like girls. Raven and Leia had fun hunting today with Marian and Wendy. Thanks very much to Paul, Dan, Mark and John for inviting everyone along and doing the shooting. The weather wasn't the nicest, but nobody really seemed to mind. The dogs did great for their first time hunting. After not being quite sure if they were supposed to pick up birds that were still flapping, they decided that was a whole bunch of fun. Duck for dinner tonight!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Hunting Buddies Weigh In

Rowan and Chester think that perhaps Ranger is exaggerating his role in the picking up of the geese.


Ranger-Roo's First Hunting Trip

Ranger had fun this weekend hunting with his buddies on Manitoulin Island. He seemed to think it he needed to go out and pick up more geese than his sister.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Sage goes hunting

Well, maybe Sage is the first puppy in this litter to go on a big hunting trip, but we're finding it hard to believe she picked up all these geese all by herself (seeing as they look like they're as big as she is and she's awfully clean). Maybe she had a little help from her huntin' buddies.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

New JH

Congratulations to Leia and Wendy for finishing their Junior Hunter today at the Golden Retriever Club of Greater Toronto's test.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Training with our Sisters

It was "training with our sisters" day on Sunday. Helen Scott came out to train with us and brought along her Flat Coat, Dart and her Golden, Cassie. Cassie is Bree's littermate - as you can probably tell from these photos. Helen has very generously allowed us to lease Cassie for an upcoming litter later this year. We're going to breed her to Drake and I'm sure we'll have puppies as lovely as the second sibling team that was out this weekend. Sage came out to play with Ranger. They had a very good time. Sage spent a whole bunch of time showing Ranger that girl dogs rule.
