Sunday, June 26, 2016

Rowan and Crispin puppies - 2 weeks old

We've had a busy week.  Puppies are growing like little weeds.  Everyone has at least doubled in size, some a bit more than that.  As you can see from the photos, puppies have started getting up on their feet (since yesterday) and little eyes are starting to open up.  But mostly, they eat and sleep - like good little newborns should.

Monday, June 13, 2016

They're Here!

Eight new, fat, healthy bundles of joy arrived last night.  Momma and babies are doing well.  Once we get everyone settled in and catch up on a bit of sleep, Mark will call everyone who's waiting for a puppy to fill you all in.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Big, fat Crispin

Poor Crispin did not want her picture taken this morning.  As you can see, she's ENORMOUS!  Puppies are due in 3-5 days (and counting).  She's at the point where we have to feed her 6 times a day, because she can only eat a little bit at a time.  She's pretty uncomfortable, but she kicks up a fuss if the other dogs are getting something she wants (like a walk or bumpers thrown), so we try to indulge her the best we can.  Not much longer now!