Friday, November 26, 2010


Back from the vet. We have puppies! Leia has "lots" - ultrasound isn't very accurate for counting but we do know there are quite a few puppies in there. No puppies from Bree (whew...). So, now it's time to get that room finished and the whelping box up and all the other fun stuff we get to do before puppies arrive sometime between Christmas and New Years.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Running on the Beach

We had a great day today - took a drive down to Longpoint because it was so gorgeous. It's not often that it's 13 degrees in the middle of November (that's almost 60 to you folks who don't operate on the Celsius scale). Dogs had a big run on the beach, splashed around in the water and got incredibly dirty rolling in sand. We had a big feed of perch for lunch and just generally enjoyed the day.


Thursday, November 4, 2010


Maya is a Zomarick puppy from Quebec - she's a Drake daughter who lives with Kevin Pilon. Kevin tells us she's doing really well - she got her Junior Hunter this summer and is enjoying being Kevin's hunting dog.


Windu and Matthew

Windu is a Drake and Destiny son who lives with Dean and Tammy Taylor and their family in New Brunswick. Here, he's shown with his hunting buddy Matthew on Matthew's first opening weekend. They've started a new hunting tradition together. Windu has picked up over 20 ducks this season so far and is having a great time.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rowan and Leia

We've just bred Rowan and Leia, so we're hoping for Christmas puppies. Of course, Mark was away while all the breeding was happening, so I got to deal with a stud dog who doesn't like mommy to watch. Thankfully, Leia is confident and easy going even though she hadn't done this before so I just left them alone to do their thing and they managed very well without me. Lesson for me - letting nature take its course works just fine (there's a rumour that I'm a control freak - don't know where that comes from). Now we wait and see what Mother Nature brings us.


Fall Training

Mark's back from hunting in Saskatchewan. I'm told a fun time was had by all. Weather was good and the hunting was productive. Bree and Drake are still watching for birds.

Classes start back up this week. Handling is Tuesday and Marking is Sunday. We trained this past weekend around Milton and found a couple of places that we haven't been able to use for a while have opened back up so that gives us a few more options. It's a bit cool this week, so make sure you wear your woolies when coming out to train. It's no fun to be cold.
