Sunday, July 29, 2012

The other fun thing we did last weekend was participate in Cuyahoga Valley Golden Retriever Club's WC test.  We've been down to Ohio the past few years to this WC test - the club does a wonderful job putting on the test and we are always happy to see so many lovely goldens.  The club does a great job getting good judges and putting on such a nice test.  We met up with some of our friends we training with and everyone did very well. Even the couple of dogs who didn't pass still did nice work and their handlers did very well to get them where they needed to be.

The best thing about all the work we do with our dogs is meeting and getting to hang out with some of the best people around.  There's just something about dog people...Last weekend we spent part of the weekend with Danielle and Doug Wilson, who have one of our Rowan/Leia puppies.  We were invited to their home and thoroughly enjoyed spending the day training and the evening talking.  Much fun.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Another Rowan/Leia baby has been busy this summer!  This is Glow (Tidewaters Givin' Lite to Our World) earning her Junior Hunter title.  Glow is owned by Gail Kuklinski and lives in Wisconsin.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bree, Crispin, Ranger

Crispin beating her ribbon to death

Look mom, I can hold it!
Bree, Crispin and Ranger did very well at Mountain Valley's WC test on Thursday night.  The club does the test every 2nd Thursday throughout the summer at Christie Conservation Area.  Ranger and Bree passed their WCI (Working Certificate Intermediate) - which consists of a double retrieve on land, with an honour and a double retrieve on water.  Crispin passed her WC - which consists of 2 singles on land and 2 single on water.

Other people's dogs hold their ribbons nicely in their mouths to get their photos taken.  Our dogs think it's a fun game to either rip the ribbons out of the other dogs' mouths of to kill the ribbon until it's dead...

Wendy Hunter and Leia (Tidewaters Lady of Leisure) did a great job running and passing their WCX.  Although Wendy said she was very nervous, she looked like an old hand...and you couldn't ask for a better performance from Leia.