Sunday, August 28, 2011

2 weeks old

These little guys are certainly starting young. They're already standing up and waddling around the whelping box. They'll be 2 weeks old on Tuesday and we don't usually see this much activity until week 3. We're sure enjoying being home and hanging out with puppies.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bree and Drake babies - 5 days old

All the babies are doing very well. Bree has recovered from whelping and if you didn't know, you'd never know she had babies less than a week ago. She's certainly being a better mommy than she was with her last litter - she's got the whole "hanging out with the babies" thing down pat.

The puppies are growing quickly and are certainly very vocal. They woke me up a few times in the night squeaking.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Today, we welcomed our Bree and Drake puppies into the world. Bree started whelping last night at 10 pm and finished this morning at 6. We have 9 puppies in total - 6 boys and 3 girls. So far everyone is doing great.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Congratulations Decoy

Decoy (HR Tidewaters Fowl Play WCI) got the last leg towards his Hunting Retriever title on Sunday. Mark had lots of fun running him at Luther Marsh's test for Decoy's owner Duncan.


Congratulations Sage and Paul

Congratulations to Paul Caon and Sage who got the first 2 legs towards their Started Hunting Retriever title at Luther Marsh's test this past weekend. Sage is a Bree and Drake daughter and Ranger-Roo's littermate and partner in crime.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Congratulations Ada and Todd

Congratulations to Todd and Ada (MHR Scout's Ada Mae MH, WCX). On May 22, 2011 at the WNYRC NAHRA test, Ada earned her last leg for her Grand Master Hunter Retriever (GMHR) title. Ada is a Drake daughter who is owned and loved by Todd Clicker in New York.


Monday, August 8, 2011


We're enjoying a visit from Wendy and Ron Hunter's dogs Leia and Reba. Leia is a Drake/Destiny daughter and Reba is a Leia/Rowan daughter. Both these girls are lovely and fun. Mark took them training yesterday, along with Ranger and Rowan. Today they're hanging out with the other dogs on the deck. Reba has decided queen of the castle on the big rock in the yard is a very fun game.
