Friday, September 28, 2012

G Low

Congratulations to Gail Kuklinki and Glow (Tidewaters Givin Lite 2 Our World JH WCX) on achieving their Working Certificate Excellent (WCX) at the American Golden Retriever Specialty in St. Louis.  Glow is a Rowan/Leia puppy from our December 2010 litter, so she's just about to turn 2.  By all accounts G-Low, as she's commonly called these days, did a great job and had lots of fun at the Speciality.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Puppies!  Ultrasound confirms Leia has "at least 6" puppies.  Very exciting!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Congratulations to Reba (Tidewaters Red Neck Woman WC) and Wendy Hunter who went 2 for 2 this weekend to complete their Junior Hunter title.  Reba was accompanied by her chocolate friend Crossin, who as a member of the Tidewater Training group is considered an "honorary golden" and therefore gets a spot on the blog.  Crossin and his owner Marian Galley also went 2 for 2 on the weekend.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Congratulations to Alora Bridge and her puppy Bella for completing their HRC Started title at Georgian Bay's test this past weekend.  Bella is a Rowan/Leia puppy from the December 2010 breeding and Alora has been working hard with her since puppyhood.  As you can see, Alora got the requisite "christening" as a new HRC titleholder.  Great job guys!  We're very proud of you.