Sunday, October 28, 2012

Time flies when you're having fun!  Our little Rowan and Leia babies are now 2 week old.  Their eyes are beginning to open and they've doubled in size.  The top photo is one of the bigger girls.  The middle photo is our biggest boy and smallest girl together and the bottom group is 2 boys and a girl who are pretty much in the middle.  The puppies are starting to stand up and waddle around the box and are starting to get to be a bit more independent.  I had to get up in the middle of the night last night because someone was screeching.  Came down to the box and one of the puppies had gotten up and walked across the box, away from everyone else.  He couldn't find his way back and decided to yell until someone helped him.  Silly boy!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Little fatsos are getting cuter and cuter.  Everyone is doing very well - even the little ones are getting big!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Rowan and Leia puppies - one week old

Leia's babies are one week old today.  My, how time flies!  They've all pretty much doubled in size, and are starting to crawl around the whelping box.  Leia is taking excellent care of these wee ones - everyone is very well fed and well cared for.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Babies are now 4 days old.  They're growing like little weeds.  It's pretty hard to take pictures, because until their eyes open, their faces aren't very distinctive, but their personalities are certainly starting to develop and they're becoming easy to tell apart from each other.  Leia is an excellent mommy - I have to practically drag her away from her puppies to have something to eat or to go outside.  Puppies are being well nursed and looked after.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Apparently Leia didn't consult the calendar, because her puppies were due on Tuesday.  Instead, she very nicely accommodated my work schedule and had her babies last night.  We have 5 boys and 5 girls and mommy and babies are doing very well. We have one little girl who is substantially smaller than the rest, at 8.8 oz but everyone else weighs in around 15 oz.  Our two biggest puppies are girls.  

Thanks much to Renee and Nicole who came by and helped with the whelping.  Renee took these fabulous photos as well.