Saturday, March 9, 2013

SHR Tidewaters Prairie Sage "Sage"
CH UH HR Windrows Ducks in a Row CDX SH Can/Am WCX VCI "Rowan"
HRCH UH GMH Tidewaters Weekend Gladiator CD OS CCA "Drake"
CH SHR Tidewaters Highland Dancer WCI "Bree"
It's been a busy few weeks here.  Both Bree and Sage came into season at the same time, and we decided to breed them both.  So, we had 4 intact boys, 2 girls in season and a myriad of bad boy behaviour.  Mark's step-mom passed away in the midst of it all, and he drove to Nova Scotia to be with his dad.  He did take two of the silly boys with him, so I was left with the breeding activities. Much thanks to Linda Brox for all her help.  So now the deed is done, Mark is home and we now wait for Mother Nature to do her thing.  We'll do some ultrasounds over the Easter weekend to confirm pregnancies and if all goes well, we'll see puppies around the first week in May.  Very exciting!