Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Crispin the bed hog

Came up from the puppy room to find Crispin had stolen all the dog beds and made herself a little nest.  It's raining and the dogs were a bit damp - guess she decided that the boys could be cold and she should be warm!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

First Meal

Exciting day in the Tidewater household.  Puppies had their first meal today.  There was no coaxing needed to dive right into the ground up kibble and water.  However, baths were required!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sage and Rowan puppies, week 3

Huge changes in the babies this week. Eyes are open, they're reacting to sounds and they're starting to be very oral...and oh my, the barking!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Lots of activity this week...

Lots of growing happening this week!  Puppies are starting to be a whole bunch more mobile, lifting their heads, toddling around the box and learning to BARK!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Great Lakes HRC test Michigan

Mark had a very busy weekend.  He took Rowan, Ranger, Crispin, Timber and Ranger to the Great Lakes HRC test in Michigan.  Rowan and Crispin completed their titles.  Rowan (CH UH HRCH Windrows Ducks in a Row CDX WCX SH VCI) is now a Hunting Retriever Champion and Crispin (SHR Tidewaters Autumn Apple Crisp WC) is a Started Hunting Retriever.  Ranger got one Seasoned leg and Timber got 2 Started legs, so they're entered in another test in a couple of weeks.    Mark travelled with our friends Wendy and Marian.  Wendy's Reba (Tidewaters Red Neck Woman) got 2 legs towards her Started title and Leia (Tidewaters Lady of Leisure) got 2 legs towards her Seasoned title).  A fantastic start to our trialing for the summer!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sage and Rowan puppies, week 2

Our little babies are 2 weeks old today.  Progress-wise, they're starting to move around A LOT more.  As you can see from the photos, eyes are starting to open and they're starting to respond to some sounds.  Sage is being an excellent mommy, although today being a beautiful day, she keeps coming up from the whelping box and lying on the deck.  Puppies are starting to be the most fun age...

News from Michigan

Leia and Reba are at the Great Lakes HRC test in Michigan with Mark this weekend.  Yesterday, Reba earned a Started pass and Leia earned her first Seasoned pass.  Nice job guys...waiting on today's results with baited breath!

News from Regina

Danno (Tidewaters Five-O Bookem Danno) has been a busy boy this past month out in his hometown of Regina.  A few weeks ago he earned his Rally Novice title and this weekend he got a Puppy Group 2nd.  We're very proud of Danno and grateful to Jill and Yo for giving him such a good home.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

10 days old

Starting to lift our heads, so we can cuddle

Very cute baby boy

Big stretch

I love my sister


Crispin loves the babies

Babies are now 10 days old and starting to move around a whole bunch and getting cuter every day.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day 3.  Puppies are getting bigger, starting to move around the box and causing Mommy Sage fits.  She hates it when the babies get out of her reach.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

More babies...

We're up to 9 Sage and Rowan puppies - 7 boys, 2 girls.  Sage is remarkably relaxed about the whole situation - 3 hours, 9 puppies.

The puppies are here!

The puppies are arriving.  Sage started to have her babies at about 3:40 this morning.  It's now 5:40 and we have 6 babies so far.  Sage and the little ones are doing well.