Thursday, January 8, 2015

Crispin and Rowan

Last week was exciting in our house.  Crispin was in standing heat, so that made Ranger and Rowan silly.  We've taken to calling Ranger "the whistler" because the noise he makes in professing his love for his sister is a high pitched squeal, in the same vein as nails on a blackboard.  Rowan, however, hums.  It's also annoying, but not on the same scale. And Crispin is not his sister, so it's not weird. Crispin does not like to be in season, because she's forced to wear what we call "the fancy pants" which are basically like a diaper for dogs, to keep the house clean.  I think she thinks it's beneath her dignity.

Long story short, Crispin and Rowan have been bred.  We'll ultrasound to see if we have puppies on the way during the first week of February.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year!

We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Years.  One of my resolutions for the New Year is to be a better blogger!  It's been a busy year for us and I've gotten out of the habit of updating the blog.  Here's a shot we took this week of our crew.  As you can see, little Shannon is growing like a bad weed, although she's really not as big as she looks in this picture.  I think she's standing on a rock.  Crispin is beside her, crouching down a bit.  Cider in the middle is doing her "sit like a spaz" routine.  And Ranger to her left and Rowan to his left are both perked up because Mark is throwing his hat over my head while I'm taking the picture.  We had a very relaxed day with the crew out walking in the field.  Until the boys figured out that Crispin was in season.  And then the excitement started.