Monday, May 16, 2016

Leia and Ranger Master passes

Wendy with Ranger and Leia

HUGE congratulations to Wendy Hunter and Leia (Tidewaters Lady of Leisure) for their first ever Master pass this weekend at Eastern Ontario Retriever Club's annual hunt. Ranger Roo got a pass too. Extra credit to doing it in the freeeeeezing cold!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Obedience Training with the Puppies

Flight and Teighan had much fun at the Alex Robinson seminar held at Companion Dog Training this weekend.  Melanie and I learned lots and had a great deal of fun with our dogs. Thanks very much to Cathy Carson who not only participated in the seminar, but also took these lovely photos.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Crispin is Expecting!

It's official - we confirmed by ultrasound that Crispin is pregnant.  Puppies are due the week of June 15.  Exciting times ahead!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Crispin has been bred

Crispin on her lunch time walk

Ms. Crispin has been accompanying me to work these days and loves nothing more than the lunch time walk.  I swear she can tell time...about 12:30 every day, I start getting nudged.  Every office worker should have a dog to tell you to get up and move around!

The reason Crispin is my work-dog for the past few weeks is that she was bred on April 14, so she's almost 3 weeks into what we're hoping is her easy pregnancy.  We'll take her in for an ultrasound the week of May 12 to see if we have puppies moving around in there.